Tuesday, January 29, 2019

My Recent Appearance on the Byron Lazine Podcast

Byron Lazine is a top real estate influencer and a like-minded businessman. I sat down with him recently for a great conversation about the real estate market.
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I recently had the fantastic opportunity to appear on the podcast of one of the nation’s biggest real estate influencers, Byron Lazine. We touched on a number of different topics related to business, the market, and real estate in general. Here’s an outline of our discussion, with timestamps so that you can skip ahead to the section(s) that interest you most:

1:00- Discussing my background in real estate, my team, and my business goals
5:30- My advice for new real estate agents on whether they should work alone or with a team
8:00- The difficulties of working as a solo agent long-term
10:30- The importance of having a strong track record
13:10- Why failure is such a large part of the real estate business and how it can lead to success if handled the right way
17:10- Why a face-to-face meeting with a prospect is always better than a phone call
20:30- What I think the market will look like over the next few years
22:45- The market disruptors that I’m worried about
25:20- Why I believe the team structure is the future for real estate businesses
29:30- A few final thoughts about having a career in real estate

Thanks again to Byron for having me on. I had a great time and I’m honored to be the first guest to visit his brand-new podcast studio.

If you have any questions for me in the meantime about the real estate business or the market in general, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.